Tuesday, 7 January 2014

140106 - yay 2014 happy new year ♡

hi guys! school has started since like last thursday, so how was school? hahaha. well since i get to see my friends and i'm finally in sec 3, guess atm all is going well. but i'm very sure that i'll be very busy verrryyyy soon /cryes/ anyway took a break from blogging for quite awhile. main reason is because i'm lazy (lol), but partially is because i'm busy haha. was finally 14 last november and went to get a part time job at kfc! (hehe gets to eat chicken everyday even fatter hahahaha). anyway, am gonna blog about yesterday. (i'll be like blogging backwards lol. haven't blog my previous posts that i've wanted to!!)

anyway yes it's gonna be all food porn pictures again hahaha. how can i not share good food (pictures) with you guys!! chey haha.

yea so yesterday was like just a normal day. went to school at 7 plus and ended school at 330. kinda rushed to tuition after school from 4 to 6 and took a bus to meet mom at bus interchange hahaha. she told us (me and dad) that she'll like reach at 7 plus and i was surprise when she called me at 619 and told me that she's at interchange already lolol -^- but anyway since it was raining and the weather feels cold so we went to ate steamboat at JPOT hehehe.

idk how much i ate omg like some pig that can't be satisfied. oh and mom suddenly have the craving so we went to mr bean hahaha. and yes i saw the new drinks TARO SOYA MILK & YUZU SOY MILK HEHEEHE. i love both kind of flavours!!! (never try before the taro one la haha, just love taro heh) i bought the yuzu one because it caught my attention first when i just walked into the shop and i've set my mind to buy that flavour hahaha. and guess what i thought it will be normal and plain but omg it's damn nice la!! it's like sweet and a little sour. and the yuzu pearl is not like those chewy kinds, it's like those ekura sushi (ok wtf idk what is this called and had to google it haahaha) that you eat!!!! it just burst open in your mouth when you bite it lightly and the sweet/sour juice just flows out~ soooo nice!  (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

and while on our way to get my grandfather's dinner, we walked pass Paris Baguette and we've never tried before since it is a newly open store, we decided to try it out. EVERYTHING LOOKS SO DELICIOUS I CANT EVEN. but i made my choices la haha, i got myself a sweet bacon roll and a egg tart! (FUUU I HAD THE PICTURES BUT LONG STORY NOW I DONT HAVE ANY FOOD PORN FOR THIS ASDFGHJKL RAGE) well it was quite nice! the sweet bacon roll is like, inside egg mayo, after that a thin layer of bread and lastly the outer is sweet bacon~ and the egg tart crust was alright, but the filling is niceee! it just kind of like you know, smells and taste better. x)

if i'm not wrong they are something like a restaurant too! i saw a menu and inside has brunch and stuffs like that~ i'll be trying one day and will definitely blog about it haha! but meanwhile you guys should go and check it out and try it, i'm sure it'll be nice! (somehow) haha ok that's all for this post, i'll be continuing with my next post now, bye guys! x*

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